How to Not Fall Behind Around Daylight Savings

For my frequent readers, you may notice this is a revised post. For the remaining of 2023, I’ve selected and revised some of your favorite blog posts while I work to complete my first book! Many of you have been excited and reached out about my book, Psalm 119: Stringing Pearls. More updates coming soon.

No one is too busy to do what they actually prefer.

Alan Cohen

Have you been feeling the rush lately? I certainly have.

As Autumn unfolds and winter approaches, it seems like life speeds up. With the festivities and holidays, life feels hectic and our consistent routines seem chaotic. This makes me think we fell behind before the Daylight Savings even came! But during this time, when we “fall behind,” it’s time to establish new routines or freshen up our current routines that complement our lifestyles, not hinder or hold us back.

The annual “fall behind” date approaches, often leaving us feeling even busier. Busyness has become a social norm. We easily embrace this justification and stereotype because we’re all busy. We fill our calendars, to-do lists, and load up on apps, aiming to simplify our lives. Yet, instead of fulfillment, we’re left with a crowded schedule and a cluttered mind.

This mental clutter leaves us feeling scattered, chaotic, and somewhat out of control. But there is great power in having a routine. There is even greater power in having an intentional routine. A routine that brings mental clarity and daily confidence. One that offers fresh perspectives and purposeful living.

Regardless of our daily activities and must-do’s, there’s a rhythm we each already follow, no matter what. So why not be deliberate and make our habitual routines even better? No matter what we face during the busy season, we can commit to intentional routines that level up our daily lives. Even though we gain an hour of sleep during the “fall behind” of Daylight Savings, there are things we can do to establish intentional routines or freshen up our current routines. Consider these starting points as we approach daylight savings:

  1. Disconnect from electronics an hour or two before bed.
  2. Engage your mind with productive learning during this time.
  3. Commit to a consistent bedtime.
  4. Commit to a consistent wake up time.

I challenge you to commit to this for 21 days. If it doesn’t bring you your desired results, consider adjusting your bedtime routine or changing your pre-sleep activities. However, if it proves to be successful, look at how it impacts other aspects of your life, such as your daily energy, mental clarity, and motivation.

Disconnect from electronics an hour or two before bed.

Disconnecting from electronics an hour or two before bed allows our brains to unwind. Doing this promotes better sleep quality by reducing exposure to stimulating screens and blue light. This is something I personally need to get better at doing. At one point, I was habitually turning everything off by 8 PM. Looking back at that point and time in my life, I remember only benefiting from doing this. It’s so vital for our mental clarity and brain-care.

Engage your mind with productive learning during this time.

Engaging our minds with productive learning during this time not only helps our personal growth, but also helps transition into a more relaxed state, preparing our minds for restful sleep. This is a great time to reflect and journal about our day, meditate, read, or even do a puzzle. Instead of scrolling on our our devices, it is much more healthy to fill our minds with meaningful and engaging activities that produce true satisfaction in the long run.

Commit to a consistent bedtime.

Committing to a consistent bedtime regulates our body’s internal clock. This creates a predictable sleep routine that enhances the quality and duration of rest. For me, I commit to a consistent “be in bed by…” bedtime. If I can get to bed “by” a certain time, then I’m good. This helps me plan my activities in the evening and assess what is most important and what can wait until the next day.

Commit to a consistent wake-up time.

Finally, committing to a consistent wake-up time helps maintain a steady sleep schedule. This enhances our circadian rhythm for increased alertness and energy, focus, and overall well-being throughout the day. When I wake up at a consistent time, I just feel better throughout the day. When my wake-up time is random and I’m careless about it, I notice a significant change in my energy, focus, and even how my body feels.


By adopting these practices, we not only enhance our physical health but also nurture our mental and emotional resilience, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and productive life. We also level up in our lives and beat the Daylight Savings dread by staying a step ahead. Try these out starting tonight and let me know how it goes!

  1. Disconnect from electronics an hour or two before bed.
  2. Engage your mind with productive learning during this time.
  3. Commit to a consistent bedtime.
  4. Commit to a consistent wake up time.

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