5 Ways to Strengthen Your Faith When Being Tested

For my frequent readers, you may notice this is a revised post. For the remaining of 2023, I’ve selected and revised some of your favorite blog posts while I work to complete my first book! Many of you have been excited and reached out about my book, Psalm 119: Stringing Pearls. More updates coming soon!

The older we become, the more often we get tested. At least that’s what it feels like.

Apart from global crises, national chaos, political wars, and religious outputs, we each also face our own sets of trials that impact us in various ways. It’s not a secret that each of us faces something in and out of every season, if not every day. There’s always a level of testing that takes place as we go through life. Sometimes it’s from the Lord, other times it’s the enemy, or it could simply be a tough season which you are going through because, well, life!

Life has ups and downs. It’s quite the roller coaster ride! We will face times where our faith, beliefs, and values will truly be tested. Which is why we need to be strengthened in our faith. Even the strongest Christians we might know and look up to need to strengthen their faith just as much as anyone else.

Over the last several years, there have been five things that have helped me get stronger in faith when I experience testing. These are not formula-based. There’s no specific method or process assigned to each of these points. You may use all five of them or only two, however many you’d like. With each point I share, I pray the Holy Spirit reveals to you how to use it to get closer to Him as He strengthens your faith. Because the end-goal should always be: growing in your relationship with God! The closer we get to God, the stronger our faith gets, and vice versa.

There are many reasons we are tested in life, but one that stands out to me the most is that testing proves and purifies our faith in God. Testing causes us to seek Him, trust Him, rely on Him, and live from our new identity in Him instead of fear, sin, and doubt. Testing stretches and multiplies our faith. We often look at testing negatively because it’s uncomfortable. And though that’s true, it’s important to remember that having faith, no matter how little of it you have, is enough to move mountains.

Faith is an ever-growing trust in God, and I wonder, what if the testing itself is what strengthens your faith?

Something that helps me understand this a little better is from a Jewish New Testament commentary by David H. Stern. He refers to faith as continued “trust” in God. And the best way to strengthen your trust in God is to get to know Him more.

Here are five ways to know God more and to strengthen your faith in Him:

1. Read your Bible

The primary purpose of reading the Bible is not to know the Bible, but to know God.

— James Merritt

If you and I were to take an actual test, our study methods and points of focus would differ. For example, you might want to focus more on the terms and definitions of a topic, while I would look for the numbers and equations. Similarly, when we face testing in life, reading your Bible helps you get more familiar with the things you need more time in. If you struggle with patience in one season, scripture about patience will stand out more. If I struggle with gratitude, scripture about giving thanks and praising God will speak more.

When we read the Bible, it reads us, too. Meaning, anything worldly or not of God in us is revealed and pulled out; uprooted, so that we can reflect Christ more. Often, the trials and testing we face in life are determined by us. My definition or description of a test will differ from yours. So, the way you and I can “study” for each test is to spend time in the Bible about the areas we struggle.

There are also times when reading the Bible just gets hard. During these times, you can meal prep the Word and come up with a simple daily reading plan, even if it’s just a verse. You might not “feel” anything after reading, but understand that the Word goes into places the mind can’t.

2. Pray Without Ceasing (Be With God)

Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises.

James 5:13

One of my mentors has taught me to turn to prayer no matter what goes on. Is something good? Pray about it. Is something bad? Pray about it! In the New Testament, Paul writes to the churches to pray consistently, without ceasing, continuously, etc. It seems like a stretch because how could one pray all the time, right?

Over the years, I’ve learned that it’s not just about verbally communicating to a higher power, or being in a constant meditative state, or uttering tongues mindlessly. Prayer is our continued conversation with God within our spirit; our very beings. We all have an inner narrative already happening within us, even as you read this or as I’m typing this out. So, in moments when we get busy in our thoughts, let’s practice turning to God and inviting Him in. There’s value in setting aside time for prayer, but sometimes that can feel transactional. We might end up bargaining for blessings and trading for favor, as if the way we pray or how much and often will get us something.

But prayer, in essence, is simply being with God. It’s being aware of Him, acknowledging His presence, and doing life with Him. When we fill ourselves with the Word, we’re naturally going to be about God’s business, and that means praying with ceasing. By directing our thoughts in prayer (or communion with God) throughout the day, we can make prayer a habit. We can make doing life with God a habit. When we wake up in the morning and before we go to sleep, we can continue our conversation with Him. He already knows every thought, motive, and desire. And He gathers our tears when it gets hard.

He’s for you, so be with Him.

3. Listen to faith-building messages

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

Romans 10:17

It’s so easy to access information nowadays. With a couple of clicks, we can get to any type of sermon or message about any topic we can think of. I often wonder what Apostle Paul and the early church would think of this easy access, because it’s literally at our fingertips. But with the internet overload, there’s an equal amount of bad messages that gets communicated to us on the daily. In times of testing (actually, this could be the testing itself, too), it’s easy to give into the things that will weigh us down. Maybe it’ll make us feel good for a moment, but afterwards, we always realize there was no substance.

I encourage you to take some time to listen to faith-building messages. This can be sermons, podcasts, or even worship music. Ask God to help you filter what you listen to and trust Him to let the right seeds will fall into your spirit. Because there’s so much information out there, find 2-3 sermons or messages you can come back to when things get hard. You don’t have to listen regularly, especially if you’re part of a local church, small group, and have a faith-community, but it sure helps (especially when you don’t have time to listen/read the Bible).

4. Grab hold of another’s faith

Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up…

1 Thessalonions 5:11

Surround yourself with the right people.

We need people in our lives who can and will encourage and build us up. And then when others need faith, they can borrow ours. Even though faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things unseen, it’s something others see in us. Listen, your faith and your trust in God is visible to those who are around you. But when you don’t feel you have any, it’s important to grab hold of another’s faith. Think of one person who has faith, I suggest you reach out to them.

Along with all the information out there, our social media world is not always very “social.” There are stereotypes and stigmas now about not being social. But God encourages fellowship. No matter your personality type, we will always need people. (I don’t mean to put down those who are introverted or struggle with socializing. My point is in how it’s portrayed on media). When we experience testing, we can strengthen our faith by grabbing hold of another’s.

5. Snack on a promise

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 10:23

Finally, snack on a promise. Find a specific verse and/phrase for your season to remind you that this very season is happening for the strengthening of your faith. Just like we change up our snacks per craving, we can do the same for our spiritual health. These promises become like a personal anthem, which we can “stamp” on our season.

Lately, mine has been Colossians 3:10 which says, and have put on the new self, which is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created it. This reminds me that I have put on the new self that Jesus Christ gave me. I no longer have to wear my old self and live in my old sinful nature. When the temptation (or testing) to act out or speak in an ungodly way comes, I take those thoughts captive and remind myself that I have put on the new self, which is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created it

Snacks are little delights that help us enjoy life, so we can do the same with God’s promises over our lives. Whatever you’re believing for, turn it into a snack and take it to-go. Times of testing could be the means to strengthening your faith.


Through it all, every trial, test, and temptation, continue basking in God’s presence through His Word, by praying without ceasing, listening to encouraging messages and people, and snacking on His promises!

  1. Read your Bible
  2. Spend time in prayer
  3. Listen to faith-building, encouraging messages
  4. Talk to someone & grab hold of their faith!
  5. Snack on a promise

Let me know which one of these stood out to you!

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