How To Let Go of What’s Holding You Back

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go do that. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive.

– Harold Whitman

Last year, Ruvim and I watched the Marvel movies chronologically.

Of all the characters, the Hulk quickly became my favorite.

Banner (Hulk’s alter-ego) physically transforms into the Hulk when subjected to emotional stress, leading to disastrous rampages which interfere with his civilian life. His lack of ability to control himself leads to frustration, and even embarrassment, when in need of the Hulk to stay inside or come out.

He fears what might happen when he becomes Hulk and feels embarrassed when he can’t turn into Hulk.

In a similar way, this happens when you hold yourself back from your dreams. When you constantly fear the unknown or what others will think.

You worry what might happen when you do something outside of yourself, and how it will interfere with your “normal” life. Then, when the unknown comes to pass, or an entire year goes by, you feel frustrated or embarrassed that you didn’t do X, Y, and Z. What might’ve happened could have brought you closer to your dream.

The word “might” is used to express a possibility or suggestion. And it’s usually scary because the suggested outcomes seem so true in your head, whether it’s based on memories from experiences or simply your imagination.

We’re afraid of the unknown. Of what might happen. Of what others might say, think, or do.

Even though you KNOW what you want and what to do, it makes you give up your dreams and your potential for something less than. It makes you hesitant and complacent. But,

  • What if you changed your perspective and embraced what might happen?
  • What if you acted on your ideas and dreams, despite fearing the unknown?
  • What if this fear, or struggle, is the catalyst to your greatest success?

Let Go Of What’s Holding You Back

The thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning to work on becoming yourself.

– Anna Quindlen

According to some scholars, the fear of the unknown is most likely the foundation to other fears.

It’s what holds you back from going past your present self and growing. It’s a key factor of why we don’t go after what we really want in life.

We don’t know what might happen and so we hesitate, overthink, and constantly settle for less. We work these muscles out and give ourselves less of a chance to take risks.

There are 3 points you can do to let go of what’s holding you back:

  • Be open to new experiences
  • Act on your ideas
  • Pursue when you hesitate

It might tempt you to snap your fingers and say, that’s it! I’m on it!

But the key ingredient is actually doing it when the moment comes. And it takes practice.

Sometimes I’ll share an idea with Ruvim after a situation and he’ll respond: Why didn’t you share that earlier? That’s such a great idea! And more often than not, my response is that I was afraid of what he’d think. This also happens with my family and friends.

Noticing this pattern, I challenged myself to let go of what held me back.

Whether it was fearing the unknown, taking the risk, or worrying about what others would say. As soon as I feel held back, or hesitant, I ask myself,

What do I have to lose?

If the answer isn’t ample enough, then I go for it!

What do YOU have to lose?

Open your mind to new experiences, act on your ideas, and pursue your dreams.

Ask yourself this question the next time you hesitate, overthink, and get tempted to settle for less.

Work out the muscles to embrace growth and your full potential.

Share your ideas when they come. As soon as you catch yourself hesitating, pursue the discomfort. This will increase your confidence. This will sharpen your ability to take risks fearlessly.

Don’t worry or fear the outcome or what others will think.

Let go of what’s holding you back.

Let go of the fear and ask yourself,

What if I don’t do it? What do I have to lose?

8 thoughts on “How To Let Go of What’s Holding You Back

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  1. A really beautiful and meaningful post it is. We live some of our dreams and those we can’t live make us suffer. I hope everyone will get their share of happiness.
    And I’ll love if you check out my posts for once. ❤


  2. One thing I’ve learned is that success begets success. However, it’s my failures that often make the highlight videos that play non-stop in my mind.

    Because of this unbalanced power of negativity, I find it helpful to keep a journal of some of the successes I’ve achieved in life. I call it “Success from Scratch”, and I keep it as a note on my phone. When I face a new challenge and the negative highlight reel begins, I pull out my phone and read about what I’ve accomplished in the past.


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